Abstract: In this talk, we are going to share our experiences on how did we get new ideas and how we polish papers to promote the ideas. We have selected several of our key academic research works done in the past 15 years, to be introduced in this talk. We will recall the Aha! moments, and also talk about the technical logic flow behind them. Then, we would like to share some of our paper writing guidelines, skills, considerations and suggestions for the first-time paper writing students.
Yan Lu (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, China, in 2013. From 2014 to 2024, he was with the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, University of Macau, Macau, China. On July 1st, 2024, He joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, as a Full Professor with the endowed Xing-Hua Chair Professorship. He has authored/coauthored about 200 peer-reviewed technical articles and two books. His research interests include high-density power converters, integrated voltage regulators, wireless power transfer and energy-harvesting circuits and systems.
Dr. Lu has served as an ITPC Member (2020-2024) for ISSCC, as a TPC Member and then the Power Management Subcommittee Chair for CICC (2019-2024), and an IEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecturer (2022–2023). He has served as a Guest Editor for the IEEE JSSC in 2022, 2023 and 2024, for the IEEE TCAS-I in 2019, and for the IEEE TCAS-II in 2018 and 2019. He was a recipient/corecipient of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Pre-Doctoral Achievement Award (2013–2014), the IEEE CAS Society Outstanding Young Author Award in 2017, and the ISSCC 2017 Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper.