The SSCS Awards Committee ensures that members get proper recognition for their achievements. Each year, it annually recognizes a number of outstanding PhD students in the field of Solid-State Circuits through the SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award. The Committee also administers the SSCS Distinguished Service Award.
If you have any questions, please contact the Awards Chair.
John J. Corcoran
john_corcoran -at- comcast.netMembers:
- Elan Alon
- Ada Poon
- Payam Heydari
- Bruce Wooley
- Boris Murmann
- Dick Jaeger
- Tom Lee
- John Long
- Nan Sun
- Kaushik Sengupta
- Mike Chen
- Bill Bidermann
- Chris Mangelsdorf
- Charles Sodini
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
Fellow Evaluation
The SSCS Fellow Evaluation Committee encourages and reviews nominations of SSCS members for the grade of fellow. We thank the following members for their service to the committee: Domine Leenaerts, Pietro Andreani, Farinaz Koushanfar, Howard Luong, Mike Perrott, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Ian Young.
Hideto Hidaka
hideto.hidaka.pz -at- renesas.comFellow Search
The Fellow Search Committe (FSC) is to increase the number of Fellow nominations from our membership. The Committee will provide help for nominators who contact the Chair.
Wanda Gass
wandakgass -at- gmail.comMembers:
- Lucien Breems
- Doug Garrity
- Stefan Heinen
- Howard Luong
- Katsu Nakamura
- Bich-Yen Nguyen
- Shanthi Pavan
- Zhihua Wang
Chapters are at the heart of the SSCS. Chapters organize local educational and professional development events for our members and help to attract new members to our society. We strive to create a vibrant networking community for our members that also provides them with learning opportunities and recognizes their accomplishments. The Chapters committee works with the Chapters chair to identify and share best practices, to respond to suggestions from Chapter chairs and SSCS members regarding making each chapter more effective, and to provide guidance on chapter subsidies and awards.
Alvin Loke
alvin.loke -at- ieee.orgMembers:
- Makoto Nagata
- Sergio Bampi
- Bruce Doyle
- Victor Grimblatt
- Mohammad Hunain Memon
- Brahim Mezghani
- Woogeun Rhee
- Farhana Sheikh
- Sandra Velijković
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
Education/Distinguished Lecturer Program
The Education Committee is committed to providing quality educational content to SSCS members through its webinars, online tutorials, and its Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program. In particular, the DL program brings world-leading experts in the Society to regional chapter meetings to share their expertise through lectures and tutorials. DL events and webinars are open to all SSCS members free of charge.
Vice President of Education:
Ali Sheikholeslami
ali -at- ece.utoronto.caAssociate Vice President of Education:
Filip Tavernier
filip.tavernier -at- kuleuven.beDistinguished Lecturer Program Chair:
Naveen Verma
nverma -at- princeton.eduWebinar Program Chair:
Filip Tavernier
filip.tavernier -at- kuleuven.beArduino Contest Program Chair:
Jeremy Cosson-Martin
jeremycossonmartin -at- gmail.comMembers:
- Jan Van der Spiegel
- Behzad Razavi
- Andreia Cathelin
- Kofi Makinwa
- Shahriar Mirabbasi
- Pavan Hanumolu
- Payam Heydari
- Alvin Loke
- Daniel Friedman
- Pieter Harpe
- Shanthi Pavan
- Antonio Liscidini
- Chris Mangelsdorf
- Michael Perrott
- Shekhar Borkar
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
Vice President of Conferences:
Alessandro Piovaccari
piovac -at- gmail.comAssociate Vice President of Conferences:
Trudy Stetzler
tdstetzler -at- gmail.comMembers:
- Kathy Wilcox (Ex-Officio)
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
- Alicia Klinefelter
- Nadine Collaert
- Eugenio Cantatore
- Christophe Antoine
- Steve Kosonocky
- Michael Steyaert
- Zhihua Wang
The core responsibility of the SSCS Membership Committee is to drive engagement and create paths to value creation for our members; this goal is accomplished through provision of technical information, creating networking opportunities, and creating development opportunities for SSCS members. Key activities within the Membership umbrella include Chapters, Awards, Women-in-Circuits and other diversity initiatives, and Young Professionals. To nurture and maintain a vibrant community spirit and social network, this Committee is constantly exploring new approaches and platforms to improve the experience of our SSCS members. If you have new ideas and suggestions as to how we can better deliver on the Membership Committee’s mission, please do not hesitate to contact the Vice President of Membership!
Vice President of Membership:
Makoto Ikeda
ikeda -at- Vice President of Membership:
Farhana Sheikh, farhana.sheikh -at- altera.comMembers:
- Korkut Kaan Tokgoz
- Emre Ayranci
- Bill Bowhill
- John J. Corcoran
- Zeynep Lulec
- Kofi Makinwa
- Makoto Nagata
- Woogeun Rhee
- Ali Sheikholeslami
- Jan Van der Spiegel
- Kathy Wilcox
- Alvin Loke
- Zeynep Toprak Deniz
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
Nominations Committee has responsibility for proposing a slate of candidates for election to the AdCom each year, replacing one third of the body. Each Fall, the Society will present a geographically diverse slate of at least 8 candidates for the 5 retiring representatives. Members can submit their name for consideration or will be placed on the ballot by petition containing 2% of the society membership (~200 signatures would be required). Persons interested in serving on AdCom should contact the Committee Chair or Executive Director to be considered. The Nominations Committee is also responsible for presenting candidates for Vice President and President of the Society which is voted on by the AdCom.
Key Timetables in Society Elections:
- Nominations for AdCom received by the Society Executive Director: End of February
- Nominations Committee Selects Slate: End of April
- SSCS-wide Election: Fall
- SSCS Officers Election: Last AdCom meeting of the year
John Long
jrlong -at- uwaterloo.caMembers:
- Eugenio Cantatore
- Pavan Hanumoulu
- Trudy Stetzler
- Kazuko Nishimura
- Motosugu Hamada
The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society publishes peer-reviewed technical journals, magazines, curated web-based content, books, and conference publications, in addition to online seminars and courses, conferences, career development services, and networking opportunities. The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society publications are led and governed by the Publications Committee, which oversees each publishing line and reports to the SSCS Adcom.
The SSCS Publications Committee monitors and advises the Solid-State Circuits Society on sponsored periodicals and publications, both soft and hardcopy. The objectives of the Committee are to: monitor quality and timeliness, provide suggestions for improvements, consider new initiatives for dissemination of technical content to SSCS members and the technical community, ensure that SSCS-sponsored publications meet the policies and procedures for IEEE periodicals, conduct a financial ‘health check’ periodically, and make recommendations for changes, if required. The Committee also identifies overlapping fields of interest and assists the SSCS in resolving any disagreements regarding other IEEE periodicals. Important developments in IEEE publication policies that may impact the Society and its sponsored periodicals are monitored and reported to the SSCS Adcom.
Vice President of Publications:
Shanthi Pavan
shanthi -at- Vice President of Publications:
Waleed Khalil
khalil.18 -at- osu.eduMembers:
- Leo Belostotski
- Bryan Ackland
- Pu-In Mak
- Jan Craninckx
- Kathy Wilcox
- Azad Naeemi
- Bruce Hecht
- Woogeun Rhee
- Dennis Sylvester
- Bill Bowhill (Ex-Officio)
Women in Circuits
The Women in Circuits (WiC) committee goal is to increase female recruitment, retention and advancement in SSCS. The WiC committee hosts networking events at worldwide SSCS conferences promoting mentoring, work/life balance, negotiation and interacting with successful women. The WiC committee also supports women’s events at the local SSCS chapters and provide more leadership opportunities for women through increasing women participation in journal editing and technical program committee members.
Young Professionals
SSCS is committed to helping young professionals evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network. Here you will find benefits specifically for younger Society members, announcements and information essential for IC professionals and students in the early phases of their careers.
Korkut Kaan Tokgoz
korkut.tokgoz -at- sabanciuniv.eduMembers:
- Emre Ayracni
- Zeynep Lulec
- Patrick Yue
- Stefan Rusu
- Hui Jiang
- Damla Dimlioglu
- Wei Han Yu (Hank)
- Alireza Yousefi
- Mehmet Parlak
- Cheng Wang
- Xinfei Guo
- Ka-Meng Li
- Taeyoung Kim
- Divya Akella
- Dan Friedman
- Alvin Loke
- Xiyuan Tang
- Sijun Du
- Ava Hedayati
- Kostantinos Vasilakopoulos
- Enis Kobal
- Boris Murman
- Aya Mouallem
- Kwantae Kim
- Kofi Makinwa
- Sergio Bampi
- Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt
- Milin Zhang
- Joel Dawson