Past Chapter Chair Pin
Presenting an outgoing Chapter Chair with an SSCS Past Chapter Chair lapel pins at a chapter meeting is a nice gesture of appreciation for his or her dedication and service to your group.
To acquire the lapel pin, please provide your past chapter chair’s name and member number in an email request to Society Administrator, Alec Antunes.
We will be delighted to mail the pin to you. We will also publicize your presentation ceremony on our Chapters Webpage if you provide us with information and photos of your presentation ceremony. These may be mailed to:
IEEESolid-State Circuits Society
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
Or emailed to: Alec Antunes

Table Skirt
This 8 foot cloth — matt grey, with the SSCS red and white logo (90″x56″; 228.6x 396 cm) — will provide the perfect table cover for handouts and other materials at your chapter meetings. As a complement or alternative to the SSCS banner (discontinued), it will also provide an attractive background for group photos.
To obtain a table skirt on behalf of your chapter, simply send an email request entitled “Table Skirt for [Chapter Name] to Society Administrator, Alec Antunes, including the name and address to which it should be sent.
Additional sample and display materials may be selected from the SSCS Sample Kit Checklist and shipped to you upon request by the Society Administrator.
If you take a photograph of the SSCS table skirt in use at one of your chapter meetings, we will be pleased to post it, with a caption describing the occasion, on the SSCS website as publicity for your group.