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SSCS proudly sponsors six top-notch publications as complimentary member benefits in print and electronic formats.
The IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC)—historically one of the top-five downloaded technical journals on IEEE Xplore—is available on-line and in print. The electronic-only Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L) is a brief format companion to the JSSC that offers fast turnaround to authors for the latest innovations in our field. The IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JxCDC)—an open-access monthly accessible free of charge via IEEE Xplore—offers researchers a journal to publish and extend their research results with supplementary technical materials. Our newest open-access journal, IEEE Open Journal of Solid-State Circuits launches in Fall 2020.
SSCS proudly sponsors six top-notch publications as complimentary member benefits in print and electronic formats. Members also receive the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine free of charge (in print and on-line), which is a tutorial-level quarterly featuring pioneering breakthroughs, trending topics, and “who’s who” reports about IC community leaders and international, regional, and local award recipients. Other electronic-only publications are the RFIC Virtual Journal, a one-stop, curated compilation of RFIC papers within the publications library of the IEEE, and IEEE Design & Test Magazine, which offers insight into models, methods and tools for microelectronic systems.