SSCS Webinars for Young Excellence: Bridging Academia and Industry: Fostering Innovation Through Collaboration


Abstract: In the field of circuits and systems, academia and industry have made tremendous progress over the past few decades, with many essential innovations emerging from their close collaborations. This webinar brings together two distinguished speakers, Prof. Fabio Sebastiano and Dr. Farhana Sheikh, who represent academia and industry, to discuss the critical connection between these […]

SSCS January Technical Webinar: CMOS Platform for Everyday Applications Using Submillimeter Electromagnetic Waves – An SSCS Open Journal Webinar


Abstract: Terahertz operation of CMOS circuits which once appeared to be wishful hopes of a few has become a reality. Signal generation up to 1.33 THz, coherent detection up to 1.2 THz and incoherent detection up to ~10 THz have been demonstrated using CMOS integrated circuits. Furthermore, highly integrated transceivers operating at frequencies up to […]

Design Exciting Chips in the Classroom, Presented By: Prof. Bora Nikolic, Hosted by SSCS Young Professionals & Women in Circuits


Abstract: There is an enormous interest in developing customized, domain-specific systems-on-a-chip (SoC). Continued improvement in computing efficiency requires functional specialization of hardware designs. But designing complex chips is difficult, and therefore there is a large barrier to designing them in academic teaching or research environments. This talk presents the Chipyard framework, an integrated SoC design, […]