IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society (OJ-SSCS)

Aims and Scope

The IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society (OJ-SSCS) is a fully open access journal that publishes papers in the broad area of solid-state circuits with particular emphasis on transistor-level design of integrated circuits. It also provides coverage of topics such as systems design, novel technologies, circuit modeling, and testing in areas of importance for integrated circuit design. Integrated circuits and VLSI are of principal interest; material related to discrete circuit design is seldom published. Experimental verification is strongly encouraged.

The OJ-SSCS Editorial Board also wants to foster publications in novel areas of integrated circuits design. For this reason, we will propose regularly special issues on relevant and timely topics.

Our extensive review process and high-quality manuscript standards identical to the subscription-based JSSC will allow authors to benefit from the 50 years of reputation build up by the Solid-State Circuits Society in integrated circuit design. Authors of open access papers published in the OJ-SSC will obtain an equally-valid appreciation by their peers, and their research will be exposed to 5 million unique monthly users of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library without paywalls.

Key Features

  • Survey and tutorial papers in the area of solid-state circuits are publishable if they provide important directions in circuit design and similar content has not been published elsewhere. Textbook-style tutorials or survey papers without novel analysis, outlook, and advanced technical details are not encouraged.
  • As the premier open-access publication in the area of solid-state circuits, special sections with diverse topics are included for each volume not only to provide valuable resources for researchers and engineers in this field but also to deal with the growth of application-driven integrated circuits.
  • A publication time of less than 12 weeks is targeted, with a rapid peer-review process for accepted papers. 

Open Access

This journal is 100% open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. All articles accepted after 12 June 2019 are published under a CC BY 4.0 license*, and the author retains copyright. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, as long as proper attribution is given.

All open access articles will be published under either the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) or the Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, No Derivatives License (CCBY-NC-ND).

CC BY and CCBY-NC-ND allow authors to retain copyright of their article and permit a very broad range of reuse. Under CC BY, reuse for commercial purposes or to create derivative works is permitted, whereas under CCBY-NC-ND, reuse cannot be for commercial purposes or change the work in any way. Under the CC BY licenses, authors are responsible for protecting their content from possible abuses such as infringement and plagiarism.”

Open access is provided through the payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid after acceptance. APCs are often financed by an author’s institution or the funder supporting their research.

The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced APCs.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Article Processing Charge (APC): US$2075 – effective 1 January 2025 (US$1995 for articles submitted in 2024).

The following subsequent discounts apply:

  • IEEE Members receive a 5% discount.
  • IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Members receive a 20% discount.

(5% and 20% discounts do not apply to undergraduate and graduate students. Discounts cannot be combined.)


All IEEE authors are expected to adhere to IEEE’s publishing ethics, including the definition of authorship, the appropriate citation of sources, the accurate reporting of data, and the publishing of original research. Visit the IEEE Author Center to learn more. All articles submitted for publication should be original and not under consideration elsewhere.

During submission, all related prior publications and related current submissions in other journals or conferences should be fully declared. Include a pdf copy of those papers, as well as a prepublication statement explaining the overlap and differences of the submitted manuscripts for the convenience of the reviewers. Furthermore, authors should inform the Editor-in-Chief of any related submissions made while their OJ-SSCS submission is in review.

Prior and related publications obviously ref er to e.g. earlier conference papers on which the OJ-SSCS manuscript elaborates. But also other publications where (part of) the submitted work was disclosed, earlier work of you or your group in the same field on which the submitted manuscript builds further, etc. must be included.

Please consider this list carefully. An automated plagiarism check is performed on each submission, and violations of this prepublication policy detected during the review process may result in a publication ban.

ew process may result in a publication ban.

Submission Information

Detailed author information can be found here.

Woogeun Rhee

Woogeun Rhee

OJ-SSCS Editor-in-Chief