DL Travel Policy and Expense Reporting

Setting Up the DL Visit

The SSCS chapter chair or event-planning commitee selects the speaker from the active DL roster as well as a potential date. To keep expenses low, the event should coincide with another activity of the DL in the same geographical area.

Gettiing Approval for SSCS Funding

After the speaker and date have been determined, the Chapter must contact the DL Program Chair, Naveen Verma, and copy SSCS Staff, Aeisha VanBuskirk to get funding approval.  If the DL declines the Chapter's invitation, the Chapter should notify the DL Program Chair.

                     The Chapter is  expected to cover all group meals that may be organized in association with the DL (e.g., a pre-lecture prep meal with the DL and Chapter representatives; a post-lecture meal with the DL and Chapter representatives to break down the event.)

If the Chapter is unable to cover local expenses and/or if the DL needs additional travel funding (airfare, hotel, ground transportation, individual meals, etc.), the Chapter or DL must provide the SSCS Administrator with details of the travel plan and the costs to be reimbursed by SSCS ahead of the DL travel arrangement.

The maximum funding allotted by SSCS for DL trips is

  • $1000/trip (local/regional)
  • $2000/trip (inter continental)
  • $3000/year (per year)

SSCS will not fund lecturers for events that charge a registration fee. When arranging travel and requesting reimbursement, DLs are required to follow the Expense Reimbursement Guidelines for IEEE Volunteers. These procedures are standard across IEEE.


Promoting SSCS During the Visit - SSCS Overview Powerpoint Presentation

1. At the beginning of the program, the speaker must be introduced as an SSCS Distinguished Lecturer and the event identified as "sponsored by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society under its Distinguished Lecturer Program." 
2. Prior to the technical talk, the Chapter Chair or DL should deliver the SSCS Overview presentation. A standard set of slides may be downloaded by clicking here.

Recording and Submitting DL Travel Expenses for Reimbursement

After a DL has been completed, the Lecturer should request reimbursement within 21 days. IEEE now uses the NextGen Expense Reimbursement Tool to process these requests; instructions on filling out and submitting a DL expense report are available here.

Reporting the Visit for the SSCS Magazine

1. The Chapter Chair who sponsored the event should send a brief report to Danielle Marinese, SSCS Magazine News Editor, copying the DL Program Chair with basic facts about the meeting:  the place and time, the number of people attending (students, faculty, engiineers from local industry; Society members, visitors); and the relationship of the speaker's topic to local IC activity.
2. The distinguished lecturer should prepare an extended abstract about his/her topic for the People or Chapter News Section of the SSCS Magazine and send it to Danielle Marinese.

 Out of Country Medical Coverage

Some IEEE travel and medical insurance plans cover health care costs incurred by travelers on IEEE business outside the United States.