About Solid-State Circuits Directions (SSCD)
The Solid-State Circuits Directions (SSCD) is a technical committee chaired by co-charis Payam Heydari and Kaushik Sengupta. Its charter is to promote forward-looking topics, improve our connection to developments at higher abstraction levels, and stimulate interactions with other communities. One of SSCD’s main activities will be member-driven technical workshops.
In addition, the committee is charged with the following:
- Enable the SSCS to respond to the ongoing rapid changes in its technical field and build bridges to other areas and Societies
- Stimulate the formation of new communities and venues that will help expand the SSCS’s technical scope
- Provide new leadership opportunities for young innovators
- Increase membership participation in the Society’s technical visioning.
Payam Heydari and Kaushik Sengupta can be reached at and and welcomes suggestions from all SSCS members for this exciting new initiative.