successive approximation register (SAR)

A 25-kHz-BW 97.4-dB-SNDR SAR-Assisted Continuous-Time 1-0 MASH Delta–Sigma Modulator With Digital Noise Coupling

A 25-kHz-BW 97.4-dB-SNDR SAR-Assisted Continuous-Time 1-0 MASH Delta–Sigma Modulator With Digital Noise Coupling 150 150


This article introduces a high-resolution continuous-time delta–sigma modulator (CT DSM) architecture that incorporates a successive approximation register (SAR)-assisted digital noise coupling (DNC) technique and a multi-stage noise-shaping (MASH) structure. The limited maximum stable amplitude (MSA) problem due to the high-order-shaped large quantization error ( $Etextsubscript{1}$ ) in the previous …

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