Special Issue on Data Converters

OJ-SSCS Special Issue on Data Converters

Data converters (ADCs and DACs) are a crucial link between the analog physical world and the world of digital data processing. The need to preserve the signal reliably across domains continues to put pressure on data converters to provide more bandwidth and linearity while further increasing power efficiency. In recent years, not only has the trend towards highly energy-efficient data converters continued, but new converter architectures have also been introduced that open up new possibilities for data conversion, e.g., incorporating non-uniform sampling or continuous time signal processing. Research efforts are not only limited to voltage-domain Nyquist and oversampling converters, but also time-to-digital, frequency-to-digital and analog-to-information converters. The aim of this special issue is to cover the latest advances in data converters to efficiently convert the signal domain driven by new techniques, architectures, technologies or applications. Since the converter itself is highly optimized, the efficiency of the peripheral circuits is also of great importance for the actual system design. Original research contributions describing new integrated circuits and systems as well as detailed and comprehensive review articles are desired.

Authors are invited to submit papers following the IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society (OJ-SSCS) guidelines, within the remit of this Special Section call. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Nyquist-rate and oversampling data converters 
  • Embedded and application-specific data converters 
  • Innovative and emerging converter architectures 
  • Design techniques for energy efficient and/or high-speed converters
  • Peripheral circuits for data converters

Submission Guidelines

All submitted manuscripts are strongly encouraged to

  1. conform to OJ-SSCS’ normal formatting requirements and page count limits;
  2. validate principal claims with experimental results;
  3. be submitted online at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/oj-sscs 

Please note that you need to select “Data Converters” when you submit a paper to this Special Issue.


Special Section Open for Submissions: June 15, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline: September 8, 2024
First Notification: October 14, 2024
Revision Submission: November 14, 2024
Final Decision: November 30, 2024
Publication Online: December 21, 2024

Guest Editors