
Message from the Education Program Chair

Welcome to the Education page of the SSCS Website. This page provides the SSCS members (hopefully you) with free access to quality tutorials and short courses from ISSCC (and other conferences) on a wide range of topics related to integrated circuits. These include circuits for digital and analog, RF, wireline, wireless, data converters, memories, imagers, MEMs, medical devices, and displays. These tutorials (and short courses) are the result of days and weeks (in some cases months) of preparation by the presenters. I would like to thank these presenters, on behalf of the Solid-State Circuits Society, for their hard work and dedication, and for bringing to us the pleasure of understanding circuit design and analysis. Finally, many of your friends and colleagues may be unaware of the treasure that hides in this page. If you watch a tutorial and you really like it, please spread the treasure by inviting your colleagues to watch it too. Please remember that we will be adding to this treasure by sharing it. Please click on the items above to see a list of upcoming webinars, past webinars, tutorials from ISSCC and other resources.

Filip Tavernier

Vice President of Education