Conference Organizer's Tools

IEEE conference organizers are critical to the planning and implementation of more than 1,100 high-quality technical conferences each year. Conference organizers serve a variety of roles within their conference committee and may hold other positions within their section, chapter or society.

If you are a member of IEEE and are interested in becoming an IEEE Conference Organizer, here are some steps to get started:

In addition, please take the time to review the following:

Applying for SSCS Technical Cosponsorship

A Message for Conference Organizers

When SSCS provides technical co-sponsorship, your conference can

  1. Run your Call for Papers in the JSSC
  2. Run publicity articles about the conference in the quarterly Solid-State Circuits Magazine
  3. Be listed in the SSCS conference calendar
  4. Use the SSCS logo on your web page, advance program, proceedings or any other conference publicity or publications.


To Request SSCS Sponsorship

The process for approval requires that the conference actually apply for approval with the SSCS Meetings Committee at one of the regular meetings in February or August. This approval should occur approximately 18 months prior to the actual conference. The key items required for the review can be made at a short presentation at either of the meetings. Specific things which should be provided to the Meetings Chair prior to the Meetings Committee meeting include:

  1. Who will be presenting to the committee?
  2. What is the focus of proposed conference? Are there other sponsoring organizations, especially funding sponsor?
  3. For which year are you requesting approval?
  4. What are the dates and location of the conference?
  5. Statistical details including:

    What is the attendance?
    How many papers were submitted?
    How many papers were accepted? (Invited and contributed)
    What is the geographic distribution of submissions/acceptances?
    Are the Proceedings available on IEEEXplore?

  6. Any other information that you consider important in evaluating the proposed conference and the value of SSCS co-sponsorship.
  7. Please bring a copy of the most recent proceedings to the meeting.

Though not precluded, it is not often that a first time conference receives technical co-sponsorship. Please contact Alessandro Piovaccari, Meetings Committee Chairman for further assistance in preparation or scheduling.


Using Technical Cosponsorship 

Utilize SSCS to Publicize your Technical Cosponsored Conference

Once SSCS has agreed to be a technical co-sponsor of a conference, here's how Conference Organizers can utilize the benefits of that approval.

1. Run your Call for Papers (CFP) in the JSSC

  • Send a ONE page 18 x 23.7 cm formatted in Microsoft Word to Danielle Marinese. Please format the CFP as one page filler for the Journal. Calls For Papers originally laid out as a postal mailing almost always will require the conference to reformat for use in the JSSC. A CFP is run as space is available and we cannot guarantee your CFP will be included in any issue-month.
  • The CFP must arrive one full month before the target issue 

2. Run publicity articles about the conference in the quarterly Solid-State Circuits Magazine

  • Send articles no longer than 700 words with illustrations to Danielle Marinese (

3. Be listed in the SSCS conference calendar

  • SSCS publicity list is based on the IEEE Conference Information Schedule. The conference organizer should complete this web-based entry form as early as the date, location, one contact person and one approved sponsor are known.
  • Your conference will be listed on SSCS Conferences home page, as soon as the Conference Information Schedule is filled out. Check before you start a form in case the conference is already listed. To add missing information or correct it;
    • send email to IEEE Conference Services,
    • in the subject field use the IEEE unique Conference Code Number listed on the SSCS Conferences home page.
    • in the email message indicate the new information you want added e.g. the deadline for paper or abstract information or new meeting dates or location.

4. If your financial sponsor has not started anMOUwith SSCS, please begin the process using currently approved IEEE templates.

5. Use the SSCS logo on your web page, advance program, proceedings or any other conference publicity or publications.

  • Be careful not to distort the aspect ratio as designed in the original file. Download logos here

6. Order postal address mail lists for your use. You may ask the IEEE conference services to mail your brochures with special US discount rates for non-profits. Since these mailings may take longer, they will require longer lead times and advance planning. To take advantage of Society publications as platforms for publicizing your conference, please plan your publicity in advance. 

Organizer's Tracking Tool