noise canceling (NC)

A Low-Power, Compact, 0.1–5.5-GHz, 40-dBm IB OIP3 LNTA-First Receiver for SDR

A Low-Power, Compact, 0.1–5.5-GHz, 40-dBm IB OIP3 LNTA-First Receiver for SDR 150 150


This article presents a low-power (LP), compact, wideband (WB) low-noise transconductance amplifier (LNTA)-first receiver (RX) designed for software-defined radios (SDRs). It comprises the LNTA, frequency divider, mixer, and trans-impedance amplifier (TIA). The LNTA utilizes a common gate (CG)-common source (CS) structure without on-chip inductors and incorporates gm-boosting and …

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