Upcoming Young Professionals Mentoring Events
The Next YP Event will be held in conjunction with ISSCC 2022 on Saturday, February 26th at 10 AM ET.
Young Professionals Mentoring Event at ISSCC 2019
The Young Professional (YP) members of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) enjoyed food, drink, and friendly conversation at the Young Professionals, Faculty, and Students Micro-Mentoring Session organized by SSCS YP Chair Zeynep Lulec at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2019 on 19 February 2019.
The event was kicked off with a welcome and presentation about the numerous benefits of SSCS membership by Lulec. SSCS Leaders and AdCom members – who acted as the mentors –went around the room and described their academic and career journeys and how being an SSCS member has benefited them and shaped them.
Since there were people at all different stages in their careers at the event, the YP’s and mentors had a lot to discuss. Mentors gave mentees advice on topics such as entrepreneurship, going into academia vs. industry, work/life balance, journal authorship, and much more.

Young Professionals and Women in Circuits Mentoring Event at CICC 2019
Sponsored by the SSCS, CICC 2019 held a well-attended Young Professionals and Women in Circuits Mentoring Event on Tuesday afternoon. Mentors included SSCS leaders, various members of the Technical Program Committee, invited speakers, and special guests.

SSCS/EDS Joint Young Professionals Mentoring Event at VLSI 2019 in Kyoto, Japan
The Young Professional (YP) members of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) enjoyed food, drink, and friendly conversation at the Young Professionals, Faculty, and Students Micro-Mentoring Session at the 2019 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits on 10 June in Kyoto, Japan. The event was kicked off with a welcome and presentation about the numerous benefits of SSCS membership by Emre Ayranci, SSCS Secretary. SSCS and EDS Leaders – who acted as the mentors –went around the room and described their academic and career journeys and how being an SSCS, EDS, and IEEE member has benefited them and shaped them.

Young Professionals Connect at ESSCIRC/ESSDERC in Poland
Yet another Young Professionals (YP) Meet-Up organized by the IEEE Poland Section has concluded with success. Young professionals, students, as well as scientists and industry representatives, met in an international circle to broaden their contacts and exchange knowledge. This year’s Meet-Up was organized at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC’19 – 49th European Solid-State Device Research Conference/45h European Solid-State Circuits Conference. The YP meet-up took place in Cracow, Poland on 23 September 2019 – on the first day of the conference. It gathered close to 60 guests from Germany, Sweden, Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, and more. Among the attendees were not only IEEE members, but also those yet to discover this opportunity.

SSCS Young Professionals Event at A-SSCC in Macau
SSCS Young Professionals held a Mentoring Event for students and young professionals at A-SSCC in Macau, China.